# Supported Environments VegaFusion can display Altair visualizations is the following contexts ## Classic Notebook Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with version 6 of the [Jupyter Notebook](https://github.com/jupyter/notebook) (Sometimes referred to as the Classic Notebook since it predates JupyterLab). The Classic Notebook extension containing the VegaFusion widget is included in the `vegafusion-jupyter` Python package, and it is enabled automatically when the package is installed. ## JupyterLab Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with version 3+ of [JupyterLab](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab). The JupyterLab extension containing the VegaFusion widget is included in the `vegafusion-jupyter` Python package, and it is enabled automatically when the package is installed. ## Voila Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with the [Voila](https://github.com/voila-dashboards/voila) dashboard toolkit. This works with or without the [`enable_nbextensions`](https://voila.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using.html#using-third-party-widgets-with-voila) flag. ## Visual Studio Code Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with Visual Studio Code [Python notebooks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-notebooks). The widget extension will be downloaded automatically from a CDN location, so an active internet connection is required to use the widget renderer. ## Hex The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with the [Hex notebook](https://hex.tech/). VegaFusion comes pre-installed and the mime renderer can be enabled as usual. ```python import vegafusion as vf vf.enable() ... ``` The widget renderer is not compatible with Hex. ## Colab The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/): ``` %pip install vegafusion[embed] ``` ```python import vegafusion as vf vf.enable() ... ``` The VegaFusion widget renderer is also compatible with [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/) when the custom widget manager is enabled: ``` %pip install vegafusion-jupyter[embed] ``` ```python from google.colab import output output.enable_custom_widget_manager() import vegafusion as vf vf.enable_widget() ... ``` ## Kaggle The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with [Kaggle Notebooks](https://www.kaggle.com/docs/notebooks): ``` %pip install vegafusion[embed] ``` ```python import vegafusion as vf vf.enable() ... ``` The widget renderer is not currently compatible with Kaggle. ## Dash / Streamlit / Panel Extensions for Dash, Streamlit, and Panel are not yet supported. See the following roadmap entries: - {ref}`roadmap_dash` - {ref}`roadmap_streamlit` - {ref}`roadmap_panel`