The VegaFusion Runtime can run as a gRPC service, which makes it possible for multiple clients to connect to the same runtime, and share a cache (See How it Works for more details). This also makes it possible for the Runtime to reside on a different host than the client.


VegaFusion’s gRPC server does not currently support authentication, and chart specifications may reference the local file system of the machine running the server. It is not currently recommended to use VegaFusion server with untrusted Vega specifications unless other measures are taken to isolate the service.

VegaFusion Server#

The gRPC service is called VegaFusion Server. Executables for common architectures are published as GitHub Release artifacts. The server can also be compiled from source using

cargo install vegafusion-server

The server may then be launched using a particular port as follows:

vegafusion-server --port 50051


The vf.runtime.grpc_connect method is used to connect the Python client to a VegaFusion Server instance.

For example, to connect to a server running locally on port 50051

import vegafusion as vf

This will cause all VegaFusion runtime operations to be dispatched to the VegaFusion Server.

See for a complete example.


The GrpcVegaFusionRuntime struct is an alternative to the VegaFusionRuntime struct that provides the same interface, but connects to a VegaFusion Server.

See for a complete example.


The vegafusion-wasm package can connect to an instance of VegaFusion Server over gRPC-Web.

See the editor-demo example for more information.