Supported Environments

VegaFusion can display Altair visualizations is the following contexts

Classic Notebook

Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with version 6 of the Jupyter Notebook (Sometimes referred to as the Classic Notebook since it predates JupyterLab). The Classic Notebook extension containing the VegaFusion widget is included in the vegafusion-jupyter Python package, and it is enabled automatically when the package is installed.


Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with version 3+ of JupyterLab. The JupyterLab extension containing the VegaFusion widget is included in the vegafusion-jupyter Python package, and it is enabled automatically when the package is installed.


Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with the Voila dashboard toolkit. This works with or without the enable_nbextensions flag.

Visual Studio Code

Both the VegaFusion mime and widget renderers are compatible with Visual Studio Code Python notebooks. The widget extension will be downloaded automatically from a CDN location, so an active internet connection is required to use the widget renderer.


The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with the Hex notebook. VegaFusion comes pre-installed and the mime renderer can be enabled as usual.

import vegafusion as vf

The widget renderer is not compatible with Hex.


The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with Google Colab:

%pip install vegafusion[embed]
import vegafusion as vf

The VegaFusion widget renderer is also compatible with Google Colab when the custom widget manager is enabled:

%pip install vegafusion-jupyter[embed]
from google.colab import output

import vegafusion as vf


The VegaFusion mime renderer is compatible with Kaggle Notebooks:

%pip install vegafusion[embed]
import vegafusion as vf

The widget renderer is not currently compatible with Kaggle.

Dash / Streamlit / Panel

Extensions for Dash, Streamlit, and Panel are not yet supported. See the following roadmap entries: